
Corporate anticorruption practices in the Netherlands and Russia

Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS is arranging a Russian-Dutch Corporate Social Responsibility School under the auspices of MATRA Programme of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in partnership with Nijenrode University. 

The workshop to be held on September 25 will consider compliance of the Russian and Dutch companies with the world anticorruption standards. 

The goal of the Project is to promote implementation of the international business standards in the Russian business practices by analyzing and integrating the corporate social responsibility experiences of the Netherlands companies. The Project involves collection and analysis of the Netherlands- and Russia-based companies’ successful cases in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development (in such areas as human rights, anticorruption activities, interaction between government and business).

Terms of participation: free admission to Schools. You can register by sending your contact details at csr@mirbis.ru. For more detailed information visit our website www.mirbis.ru, section Corporate Responsibility Centre, MIRBIS.
Here is a direct link to the events at the organizers’ website:  http://mirbis.ru/rgo.htm


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