
Global Entrepreneurship Week: Voronezh Region

In the framework of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, Vladimir Vanin, the coacher of Nizhny Novgorod branch of The US-Russia Centre for Entrepreneurship, will hold the seminars “Marketing for Entrepreneurs” and “Cash Flow Management” for the participants of the programme “Youth Business Russia” on 17 November 2011 in the conference hall of “Voronezh Regional Resources Centre”. Young beginning entrepreneurs and their mentors – experienced players in small and medium-sized business – will take part in the seminars.

In the framework of the World Entrepreneurship Week, Voronezh Regional Public organization “Association of Entrepreneurs” (YBR regional partner) will hold the seminar in “First Steps in Business” for the students of Voronezh State Professional Pedagogical College on 15 November 2011. The young people will learn about legal and social status of an entrepreneur, background of business planning and current programmes for support of young entrepreneurs in Voronezh Region, including the programme “Youth Business Russia”.

Youth Business Russia

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