09.04.2012 Top Management Role in Prevention of Corruption Fraud Risk
20 chief executive officers of Russian and international companies will meet at a round table to exchange experience and to discuss issues of what to do in case of serious evidence of major fraud inside a company.  

20.03.2012 4th Russia and CIS Summit on Anti-Corruption
IBLF - information partner of 4th Russia and CIS Summit on Anti-Corruption.

01.03.2012 The workshop “Compliance Control in accordance with UK Bribery Act”
IBLF invites you to take part in the workshop, which will be held in KPMG on the 1st of March.

31.01.2012 Third Party Integrity Risk Management
IBLF and PwC Fraud Forum are pleased to announce the first face to face meeting for the current and new Fraud Forum members and compliance professionals on the topic of ‘Third Party Integrity Risk Management’. IBLF will present a publication and a web-site which were developed within Siemens Integrity Initiative project.

12.12.2011 IBLF is the informational partner of the ICA 2011-2012 Graduate level international professional qualification
IBLF invites you to take part in the programme.

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