IBLF, Citi and Visa announced the launch of www.azbukafinansov.ru, a new national financial education Web portal 29.10.2008 IBLF, Citi and Visa announced the launch of www.azbukafinansov.ru, a new national financial education Web portal
On October 29 in Moscow, IBLF, Citi and Visa announced the launch of www.azbukafinansov.ru, a new national financial education Web portal. The “ABC of Finance” portal is aimed to provide a self-education platform for people of any age, income level and background, in the areas of family budget planning, savings and investment.

Culture Change against Climate Change 20.10.2008 Culture Change against Climate Change
The Business and the Environment round-table took place on October 20 and reviewed how Directors of Environment and Sustainability can contribute to changing the attitude of employees towards the environment.

Employee Engagement as a Business Tool 07.10.2008 Employee Engagement as a Business Tool
On October 7, IBLF Russia in association with Business in the Community (BITC) and Citi organised a training workshop on Corporate Volunteering as a Business Tool.

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